2024 annual report

Thank you for your interest in the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority and its continued impact on our community. We have taken pride in the Port Authority's dynamic activities over the past year and are excited to present this Annual Report. It highlights key initiatives, projects, and accomplishments from 2024 that have positively shaped our region.
At the Port of Toledo, we completed the construction of a new dock wall and liquid transloading facility at the General Cargo Dock, which is operated by Midwest Terminals. The Port Authority began this project in 2022, which was funded through a combination of state and federal grant funds totaling $24 million.
At the Eugene F. Kranz Toledo Express Airport (TOL), we were awarded a $1 million Small Community Air Service Development Program Grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation, which will assist in our efforts to attract new air service to Toledo.
The Port Authority’s financing programs experienced strong activity in 2024, providing over $76 million to various organizations across the region through its multiple financing programs, resulting in the creation of over 250 new jobs. And not one, but two of our financing programs, the Northwest Ohio Bond Fund and the Ohio Regional 166 Loan Program, broke records in the total amount of financing issued in a single year.
The Port Authority completed over $17 million in capital improvement projects at its various facilities, making 2024 a tremendous year for investment in our capital assets.
We announced the 2025 Toledo Air Show will return to Eugene F. Kranz Toledo Express Airport on May 10-11, 2025, and will feature the Thunderbirds, the air demonstration squadron of the United States Air Force.
I am proud of the Port Authority team and their collective efforts to drive positive change within our community. We are grateful for the partnerships that have contributed to our continued success and look forward to embracing future opportunities.
On behalf of the Port Authority’s Board of Directors and my colleagues, thank you for your continued support of the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority.
Thomas J. Winston
President and CEO | Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority
2024 board of directors
celebration of the 100th northwest ohio bond fund project
The Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority celebrated its 100th project financed through the Northwest Ohio Bond Fund on May 30! This 100th project provided $8,000,000 in financing to construct a liquid transloading facility at the Port of Toledo’s General Cargo Dock, operated by Midwest Terminals.
Since its inception in 1988, the Bond Fund has provided $475 million in direct project financing proceeds, which has resulted in the creation and retention of over 10,600 jobs. The Port Authority’s Northwest Ohio Bond Fund was the first municipal bond fund established in the state of Ohio and has allowed the Port Authority to finance new business and business expansion throughout the state.
Its portfolio includes global companies headquartered in the Toledo region such as Owens Corning, The Andersons, and Dana Holding Corporation. Local and regional projects include financing for Continental Real Estate Companies, Nagle Companies, Keller Logistics Group, and Toledo School for the Arts. Projects financed outside the region include the Cleveland Cavaliers’ practice facility in Independence, Dublin Bridge Park in Dublin, and The Foundry in downtown Cincinnati.
The Northwest Ohio Bond Fund is one of several financing programs offered by the Port Authority and provides financing for projects from $2 million to $25 million, and fixed interest rates for the full term of the bonds. The fund typically provides financing for up to 30 years for land, public infrastructure, and (owner-occupied) building projects, as well as financing up to 15 years for equipment. The Bond Fund issues tax-exempt bonds for manufacturing, non-profit 501(c)3, and governmental operations, and taxable bonds for all other private sector businesses.
In 1833, when Toledo was founded through the merger of the villages of Port Lawrence and Vistula – both villages were already active ports on the Maumee River at the western end of Lake Erie – Toledo quickly became one of the great transshipping ports on the Great Lakes. For the next 100 years, the Port continued to expand and today is an important asset to the St. Lawrence Seaway System. With over 1,000 acres and 13 terminal operators along the Maumee River, the Port of Toledo is the largest landmass seaport on the Great Lakes.
In 2024, a total of 11,328,426 short tons traveled through the Port of Toledo. Iron Ore made up most of this total with approximately 5.9 million short tons, an increase of four percent from 2023, which can be largely attributed to the Cleveland-Cliffs Direct Reduction Plant in East Toledo and shipments to their steel mill in Middletown, Ohio. Other major commodity contributors included general cargo – including a new year-end record for aluminum – and petroleum/liquid bulk, which saw increases of 30.64 percent and 26.84 percent respectively over the previous year.
general cargo dock upgrades
In late 2024, the Port Authority completed the reconstruction of the dock wall at the General Cargo Dock, operated by Midwest Terminals.
The project included design, pavement, rail replacement, new dock fendering, electrical, and dredging.
The project was funded through a combination of state and federal grant funds totaling $24 million. Additionally, in partnership with Midwest Terminals, a new liquid transloading facility was constructed at the General Cargo Dock to facilitate commodity expansion.
facility 3 capacity upgrades
The Port Authority has partnered with the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Ohio Department of Natural Resources to reactivate Toledo’s dredge placement Confined Disposal Facility (CDF), known as Facility 3, at the mouth of the Maumee River. Since 2018, in anticipation of Ohio’s ban on the practice of open lake placement of dredge material that later became state law in July 2020, the Port Authority and state agencies began collaborating to modify Facility 3 to accommodate the placement of dredge material from the Federal Shipping Channel and the approaches and berths of Toledo’s 13 active marine terminals.
Each year, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers dredges between 600,000 and 1,100,000 cubic yards of material from Toledo’s federal channel to maintain safe navigation. Using local funding and $4.7 million from a Healthy Lake Erie Grant, approximately 4.1 million cubic yards of dredging disposal capacity was created in Management Unit 1 of Facility 3 between 2018 and 2020. Additional work was completed to build capacity in Management Unit 2 with this same funding. The Ohio EPA has awarded an additional $9 million to further expand the capacity of Facility 3 so it can continue to receive all Toledo Harbor dredged material through 2040.
toledo’s airports
The Eugene F. Kranz Toledo Express Airport (TOL), owned by the City of Toledo, opened its doors in 1955 and has been managed by the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority since 1973. TOL offers nonstop service to Orlando Sanford, Ft. Myers/Punta Gorda and St. Pete-Clearwater, Florida, and seasonal nonstop service to Phoenix-Mesa, Arizona via Allegiant.
TOL is home to over 20 on-airport businesses including the Ohio Air National Guard’s 180th Fighter Wing and an Amazon Air Toledo Gateway. Various corporate hangars, aircraft maintenance facilities and air cargo operations are located at TOL, in addition to two fixed-based operators and one ground handler. Toledo Public Schools’ Aerospace & Natural Science Academy of Toledo is located at TOL, as well as the Federal Aerospace Institute adult aircraft maintenance technician school, making Toledo a leader in aviation education.
Toledo Executive Airport (TDZ) is primarily used for corporate aviation, banner towing, flight training, and privately owned aircraft. The airport is home to four rows of t-hangars for individual leasing, as well as a self-serve fueling station. In addition to its various general aviation service offerings, TDZ is the FAA’s designated reliever airport to TOL.
In October 2024, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) awarded the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority a $1 million Small Community Air Service Development Program (SCASDP) Grant for Eugene F. Kranz Toledo Express Airport (TOL). This funding will provide the Port Authority with additional resources to secure new routes out of TOL, ultimately making air travel more accessible for residents of Northwest Ohio.
The Port Authority was proud to announce during a December press conference that the 2025 Toledo Air Show is scheduled to take place at Eugene F. Kranz Toledo Express Airport on May 10-11, 2025, and will feature the Thunderbirds, the air demonstration squadron of the United States Air Force.
The lineup for the event also includes other military air demonstration teams, civilian air demonstration teams, and displays of military aircraft and equipment from across the Department of Defense and the Ohio Air National Guard.
The Port Authority has accepted a grant for $5 million through the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Aviation Administration for a technology system upgrade for the Instrument Landing System (ILS) at Eugene F. Kranz Toledo Express Airport (TOL).
The first phase of this project, which began in 2024 and will continue throughout 2025, involves the design of the system that will upgrade Runway 25 and Runway 7 to a Special Authorization CAT II Approach. This upgrade will permit properly equipped aircraft to land at TOL in low visibility conditions with parameters as low as 0.5 statue-mile runway visual range and 200 feet decision altitude. Construction, which is not expected until 2026, will include upgrades to existing ground-based equipment and installation of new support features.
our financing programs
The Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority has developed a national reputation for innovative business financing, assisting over 900 economic development projects representing a total investment of more than $2 billion while helping to create and retain over 20,000 jobs.
In 2024, the Port Authority provided over $76 million in financing to various organizations across the region through its multiple financing programs, resulting in the creation/retention of over 2,000 jobs.
In 1988, the Port Authority assumed the primary role of economic development for the community by establishing the Northwest Ohio Bond Fund (NWOBF), which was the first municipal bond fund created in the state of Ohio. Throughout the years, the Bond Fund has supported many projects, thus retaining and creating jobs for our community.
In April, S&P Global Ratings announced an upgrade to the NWOBF rating from an “A-” to an “A” investment-grade rating with a stable outlook, which is the highest rating the Bond Fund has received in its 36-year history.
Key factors contributing to the upgrade include an increased investment in Bond Fund Reserves, the diversification of projects, and a zero percent default rate to bondholders. In addition, NWOBF has a current reserve-to-loan ratio of 45 percent, made possible by contributions from the Ohio Manufacturers Association, JobsOhio, and Lucas County. The Port Authority also invested $3 million in 2022, with an additional $400,000 commitment per year over the next five years, for a total investment of $5 million.
The NWOBF promotes economic development, including the creation of new investment and private and public sector jobs in the Northwest Ohio region. In 2024, over $40 million in Revenue Development Bonds were issued, creating/retaining more than 1,300 jobs and contributing to a record year for the total amount of NWOBF financing issued in a single year.
The Port Authority provides Capital Lease Financing by serving as the Issuer of Revenue Development Bonds to facilitate proceeds being made available for projects in the furtherance of a public purpose.
The Ohio Regional 166 Loan Program provides low fixed-rate financing for fixed assets, such as real estate purchases, construction/improvements, and non-rolling stock equipment. The program primarily supports projects for for-profit manufacturing, distributing, and wholesaling businesses throughout Ohio.
In 2024, a total of ten loans were closed totaling over $5 million – the highest activity for the 166 Program in a single year - resulting in the creation/retention of 483 jobs.
The U.S. Small Business Administration 504 Loan Program provides long-term, fixed-rate financing for fixed assets such as real estate purchases, construction/improvements, and non-rolling stock equipment. The program will support most for-profit businesses that demonstrate the project will create/retain jobs in the region. This program can also finance start-ups and incorporate refinancing.
In 2024, a total of five loans were closed totaling over $5 million, resulting in the creation/retention of 114 jobs.
The Northwest Ohio Revolving Loan Fund launched in 2022 as a gap financing tool for non-profit and for-profit businesses in Lucas, Ottawa and Wood Counties. The program was created to address a regional weakness in access to capital and support the overall goals of the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy for the region, as one job will be created or retained for every $50,000 distributed.
In 2024, three loans were closed totaling $273,500, resulting in the creation/retention of 13 jobs.
The BetterBuildings Northwest Ohio (BBNWO) program launched in 2010 to spearhead energy efficiency building retrofits in our community. Since inception, BBNWO has provided financing for 193 energy improvement projects totaling $65,755,384. Today, the program’s success in Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) financing has made it a model for communities across the United States.
BBNWO offers competitive fixed-rate PACE financing for projects that focus on conserving energy and generating savings through energy efficiency retrofits to existing facilities. Eligible energy efficiency improvements to all types and sizes of buildings can be financed and repaid via a special assessment on the property. Energy efficiency project sizes range from $25,000 to $25 million in project costs. There are currently 32 municipalities within 16 energy districts throughout the state that can take advantage of the BBNWO program.
In 2024, nine commercial projects were approved and closed totaling over $8.5 million, resulting in a total estimated combined utility savings of $463,730 per year and the creation/retention of 245 jobs.
project spotlights
Northwest Ohio Bond Fund
Toledo Museum of Art
The Port Authority recently closed a $11 million tax-exempt bond for the Toledo Museum of Art to finance a portion of the replacement of 26 air handling units currently serving the 387,000 square-foot museum with a new HVAC system. The current units were installed at different times from 1978 to 2011 and many of them are beyond the end of their useful life. The Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority partnered with two other Ohio port authorities, the Columbus-Franklin County Finance Authority and the Cleveland-Cuyahoga County Port Authority, to assist in providing bond financing to reach the total project cost of $25 million. This is the first time the Toledo Port Authority partnered with two other port authorities to collaborate on providing financing for such a significant project.
The Toledo Museum of Art was established in 1901 to share the transformative power of art with the community. More than 300,000 artworks are housed in architecturally significant buildings on its 37-acre campus. Innovative and extensive education programs offer a variety of multi-sensory experiences for every visitor.
U.S. SBA 504 Loan Program
Nagle Companies
Nagle Companies is a family-owned company with roots that date back to World War II. In 1977, the company grew to what we now know as the Nagle Companies and is comprised of five distinct entities: Nagle Logistics Group, Nagle Leasing, Nagle Toledo, Nagle Equipment, and Nagle Holdings.
Nagle Companies is headquartered in Walbridge, Ohio and specializes in both interstate and intrastate transportation services. The company primarily serves the food industry and offers trucking and brokerage services in both temperature-controlled and dry environments.
To address growing demand, Nagle Companies recently constructed a new 50,000 sq. ft. warehouse facility at its headquarters, enhancing its capacity to store additional products for customers.
Nagle Companies received both a $2.9 million Small Business Administration 504 Loan and a $1 million Ohio Regional 166 Loan through Port Authority financing to support the project. The balance of the $7.4 million project was financed by Waterford Bank and through borrower equity. As a direct result of the project, six new jobs have been created and 75 have been retained.
Capital Lease Transaction
Alpha Towers
In early 2024, the Port Authority closed on $17 million in tax-exempt revenue obligations to Alpha Towers Preservation, L.P. to acquire, renovate, develop, furnish, and equip a 165-unit multifamily facility, which is used primarily as housing for seniors, located at 525 E. Woodruff Ave, within a mile of downtown Toledo.
The nine-story building was built in 1976, and Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) was contracted to cover all 165 units, which was set to expire in 2028. The developer entered into a purchase and sale agreement with the previous owner of the property contingent upon a successful renewal of the Section 8 HAP contract for another 20 years.
Ohio Regional 166 Loan Program
Signature Label, Inc.
Signature Label, Inc., located in Oak Harbor, Ohio, has been delivering high-quality screen printing and label application services for some of the most well-known brands worldwide for the past 35 years. The company specializes in screen printing and label applications on glass and plastic containers.
Recently, Signature Label utilized a $1 million loan through the Ohio Regional 166 Loan Program to acquire a new universal screen-printing machine. This investment helped the company retain 85 jobs and create two new positions.
Northwest Ohio Revolving Loan Fund
Scott’s Quality Concrete, Inc.
Scott’s Quality Concrete, Inc., a family-owned concrete construction company based in Sylvania, Ohio, was established in 1993. With six employees, the company completes projects of all sizes in residential, commercial, roadwork, and decorative fields.
Scott’s Quality Concrete, Inc. recently received a $114,000 loan through the Port Authority’s Northwest Ohio Revolving Loan Fund to purchase a new Somero Laser Screed Machine and 3D Profiler System. The total cost of the equipment was $328,000. Directions Credit Union also provided funding to assist with the cost of the new equipment.
The equipment will be used to quickly and efficiently level and vibrate liquid concrete during pouring. Laser Screed machines improve productivity, the flatness of the concrete surface, and overall site efficiency. The equipment is renowned for delivering flatter, stronger and more level floors, surpassing the results typically achieved with conventional methods. The machine will replace the manual work of several employees, which will allow the company to redeploy those employees on larger projects and pursue other opportunities.
BetterBuildings Northwest Ohio
The Port Authority is proud to report it has issued its ninth energy bond through the Northwest Ohio Bond Fund, the proceeds of which were used to finance various projects totaling nearly $10 million through the Port Authority’s BetterBuildings Northwest Ohio (BBNWO) Program.
One of these projects was the financing of energy efficient upgrades to the newly renovated Incredibowl Entertainment of Toledo. The Family Entertainment Center, located at 5255 Heatherdowns Boulevard in Toledo, is the site of the former Southwyck Lanes.
Incredibowl utilized BBNWO to finance energy efficient upgrades to the facility, including a roof replacement, new windows and doors, HVAC, LED lighting, insulation, kitchen equipment, and bowling machines. This project resulted in the creation/retention of 11 jobs, and it is anticipated these upgrades will result in $97,750 in annual energy savings!

facility Management and capital improvement plan
The Port Authority manages/operates 15 properties and facilities located within Northwest Ohio. The facilities team oversees ongoing maintenance, cleaning, renovation, and safety operations at each facility.
The team also oversees management of the Port Authority’s Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). The CIP focuses on the Port of Toledo, Eugene F. Kranz Toledo Express Airport, Toledo Executive Airport, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Plaza, its downtown Toledo office buildings, Overland Industrial Park, Ironville Terminal, Express Industrial Park, Farnsworth Business Park, and downtown Toledo parking facilities.
The CIP is updated semi-annually, and projects are ranked in order of priority over a five-year duration. It includes new and ongoing maintenance projects within our facilities that have been identified for existing or new investments.
Capital Improvement Plan Budget
2024 Spotlight Projects
Overland Extension
The Port Authority purchased a building located at 1102 W. Central Ave due to the property being connected to Overland Industrial Park. The building was constructed in 1928 and used as a plating facility until the operation was relocated in 1997. The building was in disrepair and needed to be demolished, resulting in the creation of more available developable property at the Overland site. The Lucas County Landbank provided a $50,000 grant to go toward the demolition of the building. The total cost of the demolition was $275,000.
Paving Projects
The Port Authority completed several paving projects in 2024, including the rehabilitation of the West General Aviation Apron and West Airport Service Road at Eugene F. Kranz Toledo Express Airport, as well as repaving the Facility 1 General Cargo Dock entrance at the Port of Toledo. These repaving projects totaled over $5.5 million.
Toledo Jet Center
Toledo Jet Center, an aircraft maintenance and repair organization, has leased a hangar at Eugene F. Kranz Toledo Express Airport since 2010. Business has grown over the years, in both Toledo and Florida, and the aviation industry has evolved to utilize larger aircraft, resulting in the need for larger hangar doors. To capitalize on new business opportunities and meet market demand, the Port Authority facilitated the installation of a larger hangar door, totaling $750,000.
environmental intiatives
clark and delaware/horseshoe islands restoration projects
The Port Authority commenced construction of a multi-year environmental restoration project at Clark and Delaware/Horseshoe Islands. Both projects offer nutrient reduction through sediment settlement and plant uptake, as well as improving habitat for fish and benthos (small organisms that live on the river bottom). More specifically, the project will restore a portion of the original island footprint, which will enhance upland wildlife habitat.
The Port Authority is leading this effort in partnership with the City of Toledo, with significant input from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources and the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), with support from the Maumee Area of Concern Advisory Committee.
The Port Authority received funding from State of Ohio Governor DeWine’s H2Ohio Program, the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, and the U.S. EPA to complete the construction, as well as previous engineering, design, and permit preparation activities. Construction is currently scheduled to be completed in fall 2025.
lower maumee river restoration project
The Lower Maumee River Sediment Remediation Project is an environmental cleanup project that will take place at two locations within the Lower Maumee River: the Sway Bridge and the Wastewater Treatment Plant at the Toledo Water Reclamation Facility. The cleanup will remove pollution from the river to benefit people, aquatic life, and the ecological system. Overall, the cleanup will remove contaminated sediments across 42 acres in the Lower Maumee River.
This project is being performed under a cooperative agreement between the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Great Lakes National Program Office (USEPA GLNPO) and the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The USEPA GLNPO provides funding for the project under the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI). Funding will be provided to the Port Authority to carry out the project and lead the Project Management Team, which includes the City of Toledo, Ohio EPA, USEPA GLNPO, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Buffalo District. Design work for this project began in 2024 and will continue through 2025. Construction on the project will commence in 2026.
The Port Authority partnered with participants of the 2023-2024 Leadership Toledo Signature Program to develop a sustainability plan for Eugene F. Kranz Toledo Express Airport (TOL). The plan, titled SustainTOL, was developed to support the Port Authority’s goals and objectives to improve sustainability throughout the organization. The plan was submitted in 2024 and plans for implementation are already underway.
In October, the Port Authority was awarded a $169,465 grant through the Federal Aviation Administration’s Zero Emissions Vehicle and Infrastructure Pilot Program for the acquisition of two electric pick-up trucks to supplement the vehicle fleet for the maintenance and safety teams at TOL. The grant also assisted with the acquisition of two electric vehicle charging stations, and the necessary equipment to outfit the vehicles with lighting, signage, radios, and security vehicle safety additions.
community impact
The Port Authority hosted two AccessTOL Airport Experience events to provide special needs and disabled individuals the experience of traveling through an airport to identify potential challenges that may be encountered.
The Port Authority, the 180th Fighter Wing, and the Toledo Air Show Committee hosted a press conference to announce the 2025 Toledo Air Show will return to Eugene F. Kranz Toledo Express Airport on May 10-11, 2025, and will feature the Thunderbirds, the air demonstration squadron of the United States Air Force.
The Port Authority hosted a Lunch & Learn during National Small Business Week to share information about the Port’s financing programs.
Six Focus on Business Luncheons were hosted by the Toledo Regional Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with the Port Authority and Regional Growth Partnership.
The Port Authority received the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Certificate of Appreciation for Export Promotion. This prestigious award recognizes organizations for achievements in promoting U.S. exports in collaboration with U.S. Commercial Service.
The Port Authority, along with the City of Toledo, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Maumee Area of Concern Advisory Committee, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, and the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, hosted a groundbreaking celebration for the Clark and Delaware/Horseshoe Islands Restoration Projects, which aims to improve water quality and aquatic habitats in Lake Erie and its tributaries.
The Port Authority received the 2024 Lighthouse Award of Excellence in Economic Development for the Northwest Ohio Bond Fund from the American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA) during the AAPA annual conference in Boston.
The Port Authority hosted Northwest Ohio legislators, the Ohio Aviation Association, RGP Northwest Ohio, and the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, at Eugene F. Kranz Toledo Express Airport for a legislative event to discuss aviation opportunities in Northwest Ohio.
The Ohio Economic Development Association (OEDA) hosted its 2024 Annual Summit in Toledo, marking the first time in 40 years that the event was held outside the Columbus area. Thomas J. Winston, President and CEO of the Port Authority, who served as the 2024 Chairperson of the OEDA Board of Directors, played a key role in bringing the summit to Toledo.
The Port Authority’s Jason Bartschy, Joe Cappel, and Holly Kemler hosted a booth at the Toledo Public Schools NEXTSTEP event to discuss different career opportunities at port authorities.
The Port Authority’s Kimberly Smith hosted a booth at the 2024 Train Day celebration at One Government Center to discuss transportation in Toledo.
The Port Authority’s Kayla Cunningham hosted a booth at Transportation Go!, an event featuring in-depth discussions on the global supply chain and agricultural transportation.
Thomas J. Winston
Thomas "Chris" Curry
Brad Bogert